Focus on Dreamers breeds resentment from other immigrants here illegally

The article focuses on the immigrants who arrived to U.S. as a child, but do not qualify for DACA. These immigrants are facing bitterness towards those who are DACA recipients because senators are only attempting to find a solution for their stay. Media and government efforts have been focusing on this particular group and ignored the other thousands of hard-working and tax-paying immigrants. 

This is the case with Sam Paredes, who crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico at the age of 9. Although he arrived as a child, he did not qualify for DACA. Working hard and avoiding trouble for the last 30 years, he has hope of one day becoming a U.S. citizen. 

"I'm very bitter. These DACA kids definitely  have this sense of entitlement," Paredes said. "People have fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us."

Government efforts have surrounded DACA for being the poster child of immigrants. They provide the best case to continue to admit immigrants. DACA recipients will go to college and do public service. Children are also brought here by their parents, with no fault for themselves. 

I sympathize for those whom do not qualify for DACA because they are paying taxes and contributing to society as well. I think it is unfair that people such as, Sam Paredes will go their whole life living in the U.S. without being granted residency or citizenship. These people have to pay taxes like everyone else, but do not receive the benefits of having a job that will accept their illegal status, retirement, buying a home, and many other things we take for granted. 



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